język polskijęzyk angielskijęzyk niemiecki
Sobota 01.06.2024 - 3.9389 (1 USD) | 4.2678 (1 EUR) | 4.3471 (1 CHF)

Comprehensive market analysis and determining the price of the property

Market analysis is. the stage of selling the sale The success is based on and based on the motives determining the sale or purchase of real estate. From this behavior, our next moves.

The most important thing is to understand the mechanisms that govern the needs of buyers - after all, each of us has the necessary needs. This is the only way to be able to choose the marketing tools. The solution is selected advertising methods for extortion. Innovation in our marketing activities usually pays off!

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Determining the offer price

The biggest mistake in the selling process is the wrong offer price. In most cases, determining the selling price starts with checking similar real estate offers on classifieds websites. However, this results in a significant extension of the sales process.

We determine the selling price of real estate based on information obtained from public reports, databases of transaction prices in a given region and our own transaction databases. This is the most valuable information that helps to dispel any doubts when determining our offer price. The excess supply of real estate over their demand obliges us only to act precisely in this regard. Each property is an individual sale that must be thoroughly investigated!

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